My research topic that I presented to the girls was about bullying. I think on my lead day, almost every girl opened up with each other and we got a lot deeper. I think the topic of bullying helped this, as bullying is a serious subject that every girl can relate to. I am pleased with how my activities went. I loved the variety of small and large group. I also loved how my think/pair/share activity went. I was so impressed with the bullying acronyms that some of the girls came up with! They really got into it. The girls really opened up and shared stories while writing in their journals, independently, about their experience with bullying. What have they seen? What have they done? We used a lot of time to write, which was great!

Overall, the week went great! I could go on and on about every detail of every day. I am so glad I was a part of Girls’ Stories Girls’ Voices 2012, and honored to have been a facilitator. I hope all of the girls had as great of an experience as I did. It was great to see the progress throughout the week. What a rewarding feeling after a week of success!
Karly K.

College Student Facilitator

2025 Dates:

Madison, Wisconsin:
June 16-20, 2025: 9am - 3pm

Bozeman, Montana:
July 21-25, 2025 9am - 3pm


Edgewood Campus School
829 Edgewood College Drive
Madison, WI 53711

407 S Ferguson Ave
Bozeman, MT 59715


The week-long program was launched in the summer of 1999 in Madison, Wisconsin, and has evolved into a quality program that challenges girls to explore themselves and their voices, their friends and families and then to reach out to offer their fits and knowledge to their community and the global world.