Family : Divorce Grief, Loss


  • Played “Two Truths and a Lie” to learn more about each! We found out some interesting things from each other and there were many surprises!
  • Also played “Who am I” (Women Leaders Version) and guessed which “celebrities” on the panel were positive or negative role models.
  • Shared personal stories
  • Journaled about when we experienced grief or loss and shared some of our experiences with one another.
  • Broke into small groups. One group discussed the impact of divorce in their lives. The other group discussed their experiences with grief or loss. It was interesting to see how these experiences related to all our lives! I think we learned a lot from each other!
  • Made paper chains that included names of people who we can go to for support during “down” times. We hung them around the room.
  • Had a yoga instructor come in to show us good ways to relax and breathe when we feel stressed. Some of the poses we did were tree, sun salutations, and downward dog.

I was really impressed with the connection girls made when they gave voices to their personal stories! I’m so proud of the progress we’ve already made on our second day!

~Kristen, 2011 GSGV Facilitator

2025 Dates:

Madison, Wisconsin:
June 16-20, 2025: 9am - 3pm

Bozeman, Montana:
July 21-25, 2025 9am - 3pm


Edgewood Campus School
829 Edgewood College Drive
Madison, WI 53711

407 S Ferguson Ave
Bozeman, MT 59715


The week-long program was launched in the summer of 1999 in Madison, Wisconsin, and has evolved into a quality program that challenges girls to explore themselves and their voices, their friends and families and then to reach out to offer their fits and knowledge to their community and the global world.